Transcription factor:


Factor type LuxR/UhpA
SubtiList BG10534
Consensus seq.
Comment resD seems to form a two-component signal transduction system with resE and plays a regulatory role in respiration
interactions with resABCDE operon and ctaA may be indirect

Promoter Sigma Regulation Location Binding seq.(cis-element) Exp. Author Year
resA ND Positive Unknown Unknown  DB Sun G, et al. 1996
ctaA ND Positive Unknown Unknown  DB Sun G, et al. 1996
petC sigA Positive Unknown Unknown  DB HB Sun G, et al. 1996
sboA ND Positive Unknown Unknown  resD-resE mutation Nakano MM et al. 2000
hmp ND Positive Unknown Unknown  resD-resE mutation LaCelle M et al. 1996
nasD ND Positive Unknown Unknown  resD-resE mutation Nakano MM et al. 1998
fnr ND Positive Unknown Unknown  resD-resE mutation Nakano MM et al. 1996
phoP ND Positive Unknown Unknown resD-resE mutation Sun G et al. 1996
ctaB ND Positive Unknown Unknown resD-resE mutation Liu X et al. 1998